AcBel’s Corporate Social Responsibility Team helps Chung Yi Social Welfare Foundation to raise receipt annually. The main service of Chung Yi Social Welfare Foundation include not only the abused children and orphans’ life and medical care, psychological counseling, but also help them to study in school, get job, and be adopted.
In Summer, we endure the heat to raise receipt at the Tamsui Old Street. It was also a challenge for whom had no experience in street fundraising. In addition to trying speaking to strangers, we also had to stand on street under the heat. Although we felt tired, but the encouraging words from the people and the intention that we want to help the disadvantaged, cheer us to continue.
If you see the volunteers raise receipts, you might stop and donate your receipts.
康舒科技所追求的綠色願景,除了為未來產業提供更潔淨便捷的綠色能源,更期望藉此,注入更多對人文、對社會,及對弱勢族群的關懷。我們用深耕在地、積極參與及回饋的精神,履行回饋社會承諾。康舒科技鼓勵各廠區積極參與當地政府、公益團體所舉辦之各項扶助弱勢、公益及關懷社會行動。 The green vision of AcBel is to provide cleaner and more convenient green energy, and to care for society and culture and for disadvantaged groups in particular. We rely on a spirit of localization, active involvement, and feedback to realize and satisfy our social commitments.
2020年8月3日 星期一
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