2018年8月6日 星期一

2018 暑期綠能減碳學習營-認識綠能學習課程 2018 "Green Energy and Carbon Reduction" Summer Camp--Learning Green Energy Course




2018.7.23 Organized the "Summer Green Energy Carbon Reduction Learning Camp"

In order to encourage children to have a chance to deeply understand the principles of energy generation around them, and cherish energy to protect the environment.

On July 23, AcBel Polytech Inc. held the “Summer Green Energy Carbon Reduction Learning Camp” in the YuYing Elementary School. During the activity, the company volunteered to explain the principles of solar power, wind power and hand-cranked generators.

We also use the various power generation teaching aids designed by volunteers to engage children with interesting little games, so that we can understand the importance of energy and environmental protection.

Transforming the power that was otherwise invisible into a fun and educational scientific experiment.

上午班 Morning Class

下午班 Afternoon Class




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